Bienvenid@ a
Soutochao website
In keeping with the era of new technologies and communication channels, born construction site Soutochao based on the thesis to publicize the town, inside and outside our borders, through the Internet.
How could it be otherwise, witnessing Soutochao through this medium, to retrieve and combine the roots of identity of the lost history and scattered throughout the geography, being a victim of human desertification and abandonment in the interior of Galicia. The number of residents due to emigration is diminishing. Giving evidence to become the anidio a depressed rural area immersed in a deep state of neglect by the various competent bodies without their opt necessary to resolve this situation of human dilapidation in the action.
Within the framework of resistance to the mass abandonment by emigrants from the town, residents who live in it have played a role, their efforts paid little on the farm and livestock. They have helped to maintain the vitality of the town alive and open. Those who come to visit every day prevent its disintegration.
In this you must rename the roots of all immigrants in that locality (like history), that back in 1890, and even before, began to spread across the geography of the Earth in search of a better life and prosperity. They left behind the human drama of broken families, and the scent of the air of the land where they were born. The consequences suffered in the town, following the flow of migrants, would be subsequently reflected in the improvement of the economic situation of families left behind on earth where left with the economic contribution of these from the outside.
You have to remember all those who are not with us but still part of the history of Soutochao, where they saw the light of dawn for the first time and remain in the minds of our day.
Within the current must reflect a broadcast message to all descendants of this population, however distant they are from the same, never wield in recognition of it to know where the roots of their origins are and their ancestors.
To all absent and present them to dedicate poems of Rosalía de Castro:
AIRIÑOS, AIRIÑOS AIRESAiriños, airiños aires, airiños d’a miña terra; airiños, airiños aires, airiños, leváime á ela. Sin ela vivir non podo, non podo vivir contenta; qu’adonde queira que vaya cróbeme unha sombra espesa. Cróbome unha espesa nube … Dóces galleguiños aires quitadoiriños de penas, encantadores d’as augas, amantes d’as arboredas; musica d’as verdes canas, d’o millo d’as nosas veigas; alegres compañeiriños, run-run de todal-as festas, leváime n-as vosas alas com’unhá follina seca. Non permitás qu’aquí morra, airiños d’a miña terra, qu’ainda penso que de morta hei de sospirar por ela: ainda penso, airiños aires, que dimpois que morta sea, e aló pol-o camposanto, donde enterrada me teñan, pasés n-a calada noite runxindo antr’a folla seca, ou murmuxando medrosos antr’as brancas calaveras; inda dimpois de mortilla, airiños d’a miña terra, eivos de berrar: ¡Ariños, airiños, leváime a ela! |
ADIÓS, RÍOS; ADIÓS, FONTES; (cantares gallegos)Adiós, ríos; adiós, fontes; adiós, regatos pequeños; adiós, vista d’os meus ollos, non sei cándo nos veremos. Miña terra, miña terra, terra donde m’eu criei, hortiña que quero tanto, figueiriñas que prantei. Prados, ríos, arboredas, pinares que move o vento, paxariños piadores, casiñas d’o meu contento. Muiño d’os castañares, noites craras d’o luar, campaniñas timbradoiras d’a igrexiña d’o lugar. Amoriñas d’as silveiras que eu lle daba ô meu amor, camiñiños antr’o millo, ¡adiós para sempr’adiós! ¡Adiós, gloria! ¡Adiós, contento! ¡Deixo a casa onde nascín, deixo a aldea que conoço, por un mundo que non vin! Deixo amigos por extraños, deixo a veiga pol-o mar; deixo, en fin, canto ben quero… ¡quén puidera non deixar! … Xa s’oyen lonxe, moi lonxe, as campanas d’o pomar; para min, ¡ai!, coitadiño, nunca máis han de tocar. |
Mais son probe, e, malpocado, a miña terra n’e miña, qu’hastra lle dan de prestado a beira por que camiña ô que nasceu desdichado.Tèñovos, pois, que deixar, hortiña, que tanto amei, forgueiriña d’o meur lar, arboriños que prantei, fontiña d’o cabañar.Adiós, adiós, que me vou, herbiñas d’o camposanto, donde meu pai se enterrou, herbiñas que bisquei tanto, terriña que nos criou. Adiós, Virxe d’a Asuncion branca com’un serafín: lévovos n-o corazón; pedidelle á Dios por min, miña Virxe d’a Asunción. Xa s’oyen lonxe, máis lonxe… Cada balad’é un delor; voume soyo, sin arrimo… miña terra, ¡adiós!, ¡adiós! ¡Adiós tamén, queridiña… Adiós por sempre quizáis!… Dígoche este adiós chorando desd’a veiriña d’o mar. Non m’olvides, queridiña, si morro de soidás… tantas légoas mar adentro… ¡Miña casiña!, ¡mue lar! |
Leaving behind the añoros of nostalgia for the past, to be driven by the adentres networks novation of this, over the Internet. Where you can find through the web all information obtained about Soutochao, anywhere or place where ye meet.
The website offers menus for ‘Home’, ‘Location’, ‘History’, ‘Galleries’, ‘Traditions’, ‘Countryside’, ‘Camino de Santiago’, ‘Natura’, ‘Fauna’, ‘Links’ ‘News’, ‘Guestbook’ and ‘Forum’, where you can search, comment, post messages, pictures, etc …
Together we can improve content so it can be enjoyed by all.